Saturday, 29 August 2015

The reality of China’s involvement during the Korean war - The Real Cause

6.25는 처음부터 국제전..6.25 전쟁사 새로써야...

The Chinese will never let go of being able to influence the peninsula...

Contrary to what people have said in the past, China didn’t jump in and help North Korea. The reality is that China’s involvement during the Korean war between 1950 – 1953 is far more accurately expressed as being that China was actually the one who initiated the Korean war

The captured article  above talks about Professor Soh Jin-cheol (소진철 교수), who was a researcher specialising in the Korean War, and also an ex-Politics Professor at WonGang University. He received his Ph D from Oklahoma University in 1963. His thesis was “The Real Cause of the Korean War”.

According to Professor Soh, North Korea, Russia and China are joint war criminals from the Korean War. He said Stalin had planned the war for a long time, Kim Il-sung carried it out faithfully and China stood joint surety.
Just before the war, during a meeting with Kim Il-sung on the 14th May 1950, Mao Ze-dong told Kim “from now on, the war is our joint task”, thus indicating clearly that China would be one of the countries directly involved with war.

"Before the war started, 50,000 Chinese solders were already deployed along the 38th Parallel", Prof. Soh said.

There also is a book titled “Chosun (Joseon Jok) Volunteer Army smuggled into North Korea and the Korean War”, written by Kim Joong-seng , who was born in China, and during the Korean war, served in the North Korean People’s Army 6th Division. He obtained Korean citizenship and currently lives in Seoul.

Before the war started, Kim said, 65,000 Joseon Joks {the Volunteer Army hardcore unit who were highly trained and experienced, having gone through the Chinese Civil War fighting against the Chinese National Party (KuoMinTang) led by Chiang Kai-shek} were smuggled into North Korea and these Joseon Joks were already deployed to the front lines. 47% of the North Korean People’s Army hardcore unit was comprised of JoseonJok.

As the war developed, China started sending more Joseon-joks, Han Chinese and Manchurians as “cannon fodder”.

The Korean War itself was, in effect, Mao on the surface pretending to “communize”, when in reality the long-term goal was to “재조선화 re-Chosunize” the peninsula using his henchman, Kim Il-sung.

The real tragedy of the Korean war was that Koreans were killing one another, instigated by China - the way China has always done for the thousands of years, always playing one against the other.

According to Mr AHN Cheon (안천교수님), professor of Seoul Education College, on the 20th anniversary of Korea-China Diplomatic Relationship:

"Former president ROH is being criticized harshly in history. ROH led a country with a poor governance which rocked the nation at root without making any achievements. The then Roh regime made a diplomatic tie with China on 24.08. 1992 by his short-sighted diplomatic policy. As a result, Korea has lost a lot due to the thoughtless closed-door diplomacy of Roh’s regime. What is the most important is that they failed to consider liquidating the past history in the course leading to the tie. China is a country with sinful past, who used to be most antagonistic to Korea."