Friday, 28 March 2014

Is it Christ’s will to side with the despotic ruffians, China and North Korean puppet regime? .

[Catholic Priests who sold their soul to the Devil]

Source: (by Jeon Geong-woong of  New Daily)

[전경웅 칼럼] 정의구현 사제님들께 묻습니다

미국은 싫고 중국이 그렇게 좋으세요?

독재깡패 [중국]·[북괴] 편드는게 [그리스도의 뜻]?

정의구현사제단이 벌이는 [시국미사]라는 집회 모습. [사진: 연합뉴스]
▲ 정의구현사제단이 벌이는 [시국미사]라는 집회 모습. [사진: 연합뉴스]
<A scene of a meeting so called ‘Mass on Current Situations’ held by Catholic Priests’ Association for Justice’>

I am asking you, Catholic priests of the Association for Justice, “ How is it that you adore China so dearly, while hating USA?”

Is it Christ’s will to side with the despotic ruffians, China and North Korean puppet regime?

I have some questions to ask of you, members of the Association, which prompts me to take up a pen to write as follows:

These are about the activities carried out so far by the priests affiliated with the Association for Justice. I would like to list the major activities undertaken under the name of Catholic Priests’ Association for Justice in the past 10 years for fear that you might forget them.

  A demonstration in 2002 in memory of two middle school students

      (Hyo-soon and Mee-soon)  who was killed in an accident (car driven by the 
      USA soldier). 

    An antagonistic demonstration in March 2003 against the development 

      of ‘Saemangeum’

    A declaration in November 2003 by 115 priests requesting an inquiry into the 

       real  truth, insisting that ‘Kim Hyun-hee’, the convicted of the terrorism to KAL, 
       should be a fake.

    A meeting held in June 2004 calling for the revoke of government decision to 

       send  army to Iraq, taking advantage of the memory of late KIM Sun-il. A meeting 
       held in November  2004 calling for the complete abolition of the National Security 

▲     One of violent confrontations started from February 2005 calling for the 

        withdrawal  of US army in which demonstrators resorted to violence to the 
        Korean soldiers  at Daechuri of  Pyeongtaek.

    A meeting in December 2006 by Association members supporting the 

       violent  demonstrators who demanded stoppage of Korea-USA free trade 

    A meeting held in June 2008 at the scene of the riot on the mad cow disease, in  

       which the priests made speeches on the theme, ‘Nation deplores the President’s 
       power and arrogance.’ 

   A public statement made on the grave situations in February 2009, in which 

      they  blamed the government for the ‘Yongsan Accident’.

▲   The incident of Ssangyong Motor Co. of Pyeongtaek in Junly 2009.

▲   A demonstration opposing the construction of navy base at the village of  

      Gangjeong, Seogwipo city Jeju Island in June 2011.

▲   An election campaign in support of ‘Moon Jae-in, the presidential candidate of

      the  Democratic Party in 2012 election season.

▲   A meeting against the construction of electric transmission towers at Milyang in 

      May 2013.

The list clearly shows the wrongdoings the demonstrators have committed under the  patronage of you, Association members at the time.

<This is a scene of violent demonstration in which the demonstrators wielded bamboo spears towards the police guarding the area of Daechuri of Pyeongtaek. It was a sanguinary battle.  This might be a reward to your prayers for the realization of so called justice.>

<This is a scene of the violent demonstration in which the demonstrators wielded sticks and bamboo spears towards the soldiers of the national army dispatched for the guard of Daechuri area. This might be the scene where so called justice is realized. Photo = YeonHap News >

<What do you think of those anti-Korea-USA Free Trade Agreement demonstrators, setting fire holding pine torches in front of Chuncheon City Hall on 23rd >

<Please have a look at the appearance of your Association members, staging a mass on the current situations against the construction of electric transmission towers at Milyang in May 2013>

A priest of the Association for Justice is seen beside a congressman of the ruling party on the rooftop of the building at the time of Daechuri Pyeongtake Demonstration. Being in company with the riots brandishing sticks might be an act of fulfilling your lofty justice.

평택 미군기지 이전을 반대하고 주한미군 철수를 주장하는 정의구현사제단.
▲ 평택 미군기지 이전을 반대하고 주한미군 철수를 주장하는 정의구현사제단.

<Members of Priests’ Association for Justice opposing the transfer of US army base in Pyeongtaek and demanding the withdrawal of the US army stationed in Korea.>

You have seen these scenes, haven’t you?

Can you imagine what the ordinary common people, too busy with their own living, will respond at the sight of what your members have done? They will say, “It is an insanity of and for and by ‘the gang.’”

You may ask ‘why’. But it is because you only choose to act against the governing rules, opposing the national security law and the public order.

광우병 폭동 당시 시위대가 경찰버스를 불태우고 있다. 정의구현사제단은 이들의 시위에 힘을 보태는 시국미사를 연 바 있다. [사진: 연합뉴스]
▲ 광우병 폭동 당시 시위대가 경찰버스를 불태우고 있다. 정의구현사제단은 이들의 시위에 힘을 보태는 시국미사를 연 바 있다. [사진: 연합뉴스]

<The demonstrators are burning a police bus at the time of the mad cow disease riot. The Priests’ Association for Justice held a mass on the grave current situations to give support to the demonstrators.   Photo:  Yeonhap News>

I ask you to give an example of demonstrations in which no ‘lawlessness’, no ‘violence’, no ‘perversity’, no ‘waywardness’ have occurred at all in the activities you, Priests’ Association members, have been involved in so far.

Let me know it if there have been any demonstrations which do not disregard lawful public power and the existing laws in force. Upon my word, there has been none.

Those priests, who profess themselves to be an instrument to convey God’s will to men, protect these lawless, violent, wayward groups in God’s name and represent their assertions as the opinion of the public by a sly packaging, don’t they?

정의구현사제단이 말하는 [평화시위]는 이런 건가. 2008년 광우병 폭동 당시 경찰 1개 소대를 둘러싸고 집단폭행하는 시위대. 이들 경찰 다수가 입원치료를 받았다. [사진: 조선닷컴]
▲ 정의구현사제단이 말하는 [평화시위]는 이런 건가. 2008년 광우병 폭동 당시 경찰 1개 소대를 둘러싸고 집단폭행하는 시위대. 이들 경찰 다수가 입원치료를 받았다. [사진: 조선닷컴]

<Is this an example of ‘peaceful demonstration’ called by the Priests’ Association for Justice? The demonstrators at the time of the mad cow disease riot in 2008, encircling and attacking a platoon of the police in a mob violence. Many policemen were injured and treated at the hospital.>

What else would it be other than a sham religion to use God’s name for his or her own
interests or in order to enforce their opinions on others?

It is beyond my understanding why you, ordained priests, are doing such spurious deeds.

If your spuriousness stopped internally within Korea, I would not use such furious words as these.

While you readily exercise a right of judgment like that of Peter’s on USA, which has helped the Republic of Korea expand its freedom and equality and develop its national army, which is the basis for national security, why can’t you say even one word to the Kim’s dynasty of North Korea, which has really cast away human rights and equality into the rubbish bin, and to the Chinese Communist Party? Do you want me to give an example?

언론에 잘 알려지지 않았던 시기 제주해군기지 반대시위대의 평소 모습. 이게 [평화]고 [정의]인가. [사진: 해군 제공]
▲ 언론에 잘 알려지지 않았던 시기 제주해군기지 반대시위대의 평소 모습. 이게 [평화]고 [정의]인가. [사진: 해군 제공]

<A usual demonstration scene opposing the construction of a navy base in Jeju Island at a time not well known to the media. Is this ‘peace’ and ‘justice’?>

All kinds of crimes committed by the Chinese in Korea.

What did ‘the priests of the Association’ do at the illegal demonstrations in opposition to the naval base in Jeju-Do?

Isn’t the priest a member of the Association for Justice, who was leading the anti-naval  base demonstration and throwing sewage at the police? On the other hand, why don’t they offer any opposition to the Chinese proposal to build a gambling complex in Jeju? ‘The ‘Priests’ Association for Justice’ became a mute with honey in the mouth to the issue when Red China proclaimed unilaterally its aerial defense recognition area in the East China Sea on the 23rd November. Why was that?

한중일 삼국의 방공식별구역 그래픽 [사진: 연합뉴스]
▲ 한중일 삼국의 방공식별구역 그래픽 [사진: 연합뉴스]

<The graphics of aerial defense recognition area of 3 nations : Korea, China and Japan>

The Chinese Communist Party had their own way by including our territorial waters and even the ‘Ieo-Do’ in its aerial defense recognition area and rejected our rightful demand at the Korea-China Defense Strategy Dialogue of vice-minister level held on the 28th reported that the Chinese Communist Party has sent an aircraft carrier, the Laoning and her escort fleet to South China Sea for mobile exercise and they are known on maneuvers.

When China built this aircraft carrier, the China’s PLA said publicly that they would send the carrier to the Ieo-Do. Those who maintain silent about China’s threats of this kind are none other than Priests’ Association for Justice and so called the ‘bullying villains of progressive force’, aren’t they?

28일 호위함대와 함께 첫 원양훈련을 떠난 중국 항모 랴오닝 호. [사진: 연합뉴스]
▲ 28일 호위함대와 함께 첫 원양훈련을 떠난 중국 항모 랴오닝 호. [사진: 연합뉴스]

<The Laoning, the aircraft carrier of China, departing for her first mobile exercise in the ocean along with her escort fleet>

Please reply.

Has your Association ever made a public statement of denouncing China up to now when the Chinese Communist government intimidates our government and people and behaves rudely? Certainly, there has been none.

2010년 외국인 범죄자 국적별 검거현황. 이 가운데 중국은 공산당이 조직적으로 불법체류자를 타국으로 보낸다.
▲ 2010년 외국인 범죄자 국적별 검거현황. 이 가운데 중국은 공산당이 조직적으로 불법체류자를 타국으로 보낸다.

<The present state of affairs on the foreign convicts arrested by nationality in 2010, in which the Chinese Communist Party is reported to send away systematically illegal migrants overseas.>

Your Association members are priests formally ordained by the Catholic church, aren’t they?

If so, it is normal for them to obey the Pope. Don’t you know how the Vatican looks on the Chinese Communist Party? What country is China?

China had been in constant fear lest some conscientious priests should take a stand against their dictatorial regime and abuse of power and corruption, when from July 2011 on they eventually started to appoint their bishop.

중국의 일상적인 인권유린을 빗댄 베이징 올림픽 포스터. 중국은 인권유린 부문에서는 금메달감이라고 비꼬았다.
▲ 중국의 일상적인 인권유린을 빗댄 베이징 올림픽 포스터. 중국은 인권유린 부문에서는 금메달감이라고 비꼬았다.

< A Beijing Olympic poster satirizing China’s usual human rights infringements. Ironically, China is awarded a gold medal in the event of human rights infringement.>

A true picture of Priests’ Association for Justice has come to light by the fact that the body cannot stand up against the human rights infringement by the Chinese Communists or their highhandedness to the neighboring countries, whereas it has frantically poured all criticisms for decades on the USA, an ally of ours.

Is this God’s will to shield the Chinese Communist Party which customarily has neglected neighboring countries and human rights, and to protect the Kim’s gang of traitors hidden behind China by justifying their provocations against us?

I have found out some materials for you, supposing that you, priests of the Association, may have forgotten them as many years have passed since your ordination.

Here are some materials for you.

This is the contents of excerption of the 2nd mission of the church and item 3 on priests and from explanation item 19 to 22.

“… Unless you are a witness of life different from those of others on the earth and a
manager, you cannot be a servant of Christ, yet you cannot serve the people if you lead a life far apart from real life of ordinary people and conditions of their lives.

The religious duty as a priest especially asks you not to follow the common customs of the world, but asks you to live among people and understand them as a good shepherd should be. It demands you to guide those sheep not in a pen to Christ to hear His voice so that they may follow their shepherd in the pen.

To achieve these goals, you must have virtues highly respected in a human society as well as a good heart, truthfulness, a tough and firm mind, a constant sense of justice and kindness, which will certainly help you.”

Have you read these?

You have treated the Korean government which has created a newly risen industrial country out of ashes and USA which has been a robust supporter of Korea as the worst devil in the human history. Instead, you have closed your mouth towards the Kim’s dynasty of North Korea, the most evil regime in history and the misconducts of CCP, which massacred hundreds of thousand people in so called Cultural Revolution. Is this conduct of yours ‘a good heart, truthfulness, a tough and firm mind, a constant sense of justice and kindness’ which the Vatican instructs you?

킬 고어 前캐나다 국무장관. 그는 중국 공산당의 조직적인 인권탄압과 장기적출 및 불법매매를 세계에 폭로했다.
▲ 킬 고어 前캐나다 국무장관. 그는 중국 공산당의 조직적인 인권탄압과 장기적출 및 불법매매를 세계에 폭로했다.

<Dr Kilgore and Mr Matas, former state secretary of Canada and  Human Rights Lawyer exposed to the world China’s systematic suppression of human rights and illegal harvesting and sale of internal organs.>

If you are followers of God’s will, you should criticize harshly the Chinese Communist Party, which confined thousands of Falungong practitioners for fear of being a threat to their dictatorial regime and harvested their organs to smuggle out around the world and oppressed Tibet people to hide their unlawful invasion. Don’t you think it is normal and what you should do?

You should shout to Kim’s dynasty, “Fear God’s wrath!” They starved millions of people to death for the sake of their dictatorship and did away with freedom of religion and values of human rights and equality and slaughtered tens of thousands people in a concentration camp and supported terrorists around the world, giving hand to the international crime groups and finally made it their business to carry out acts of terrorism against the compatriots in the South for 70 years. Don’t you think it is the voice of Christ and justice?

I seriously ask you again with curiosity.  Whose justice is the ‘Justice’ for, found in the name of your Association?

Is it the justice for God? If so, whose god on earth is it? If the justice advocated by the Priests’ Association for Justice is Christ’s voice, then the Christ should not be the one 1.196 billion Catholic devotees know.

예수 그리스도와 악마 간의 대결을 소재로 한 팝아트. 정의구현사제단께서는 그리스도께서 어느 쪽에 섰는지 잘 보셨으면 한다.
▲ 예수 그리스도와 악마 간의 대결을 소재로 한 팝아트. 정의구현사제단께서는 그리스도께서 어느 쪽에 섰는지 잘 보셨으면 한다.

<A pop art on the theme of confrontation of Jesus Christ against Devil. I would like you, members of the Association, to see on whose side Christ stands.>

Christ called himself son of man, because He attached importance to the selfless acts and the universal values of human beings.

Did you say, “the journalist should go to the hell, who dared to shower Catholic priests with sharp words of abuse.”?

I heard you.  I want you to please go ahead there  (the hell) and wait for me. I will follow soon.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Yu Jo Byeon (Willow Tree Fence) - Forbidden Area to Chinese


YiYi JeYi 이이제이以夷制夷 means to destroy an enemy, using another enemy. This strategy is what the Chinese have historically preferred to use. Chinese see that a battle can’t be won only with the valour of an army.

The Chinese had to win their surrounding nomadic tribes with a trick, when they couldn’t compel the tribes with the force of the army alone. That’s why, right up to this day, they see that the best tactic is to oppress an enemy with another enemy, and thus gain surrender without a battle.


Although DongYiJok (JuShinJok) could shoot archery well and have a strong military army with an open mind, the Chinese seemed to understand that this very willingness to be open minded and consider many points of view also meant that they can be deceived. By taking a divide and conquer approach, the tribes’ humanity and cohesion could be negatively influenced.

The Chinese realize that DongYiJok (JuShinJok) can be in cooperation with them when they successfully coax and alienate DongYiJok (JuShinJok) from other DongYiJok. 

JeGal-ryang (諸葛亮 (of 삼국지 三國志 History of three states: 181~234, a prime minister of one of Three Countries) also told that YiYi JeYi  was an essential strategy to win nomadic tribes like GoGuRyeo, and was used to collapse GoGuRyeo in 697, by an allied army of the Shilla dynasty in the Korean peninsula and TaeJong in Tang dynasty in China.   

He wrote about 동이 DongYi 東夷 (meaning eastern barbarian  -  a degraded name of Korean ancestors called by Chinese ancestor in the past) and said in his book that we can’t attack DongYi because they are socially well-associated with each other. So we should first create alienation among their royalty, officials and people, so that they are not socially well-associated with each other. And although we succeed in this operation, we will still need to make them feel safe, especially by sending our diplomats to their country frequently “to promote friendship with each other”. 

This ensures that they are unprepared against our sudden attack. After that, we can conquer them with our strong army through our unexpected invasion or sudden attack.    


One of DaeJuShinJok  대쥬신족(Dae: big, JuShin: a name for Mongolian tribes in Northern East Asia, defined by the writer, Jok: tribes), the Qing dynasty had treated nomadic tribes not with YiYi JeYi  but with a concept of brotherhood which was quite different from how other dynasties built by Chinese had done.  

The Qing dynasty had made much effort to protect JuShinJok, who were a main ruling group of the Qing dynasty, from being assimilated in any way with the Chinese ('Han' race).  In the beginning of the Qing dynasty, a main group of power intended to return to their homeland, Manchuria, anytime if they would lose their power in China.

The most outstanding example was 유조변YuJoByeon (a willow tree fence or hedge – purple line on the below map ) that helps us understand the Qing dynasty’s approach to maintaining separate identities.  This willow fence ranged for about 975 km, beginning at 산해관 Shanhaiguan (山海關) passing  through HeungGyeong (Ssing Jing in Chinese) in the North East and reached the mouth of the 압록강ApRokGang river - in North Korea today. Afterwards, 345 km of willow fence was built again.  

YuJoByeon established in Qing dynasty. (footnote: Korean words in yellow on the above map says "Forbidden area to Chinese."  © pressian

The Qing dynasty used YuJoByeon (willow tree fencing) to protect JuShinJok  from becoming Chinese and to forbid Chinese from going to the farmland of YoDong 요동 (in Far East  Manchuria ) by designating nomadic areas for Mongolians.  Meanwhile the willow tree fence was also in case of the emergency of the Qing dynasty needing to evacuate or withdraw from China. Therefore, they prohibited Chinese from living in the Northern East area of Manchuria


This kind of national policy of the Qing dynasty shows it was quite different from what the previous Chinese countries had enforced through 이이제이 YiYi JeYi.   While Chinese dynasties had used any methods and ways to disrupt nomadic tribes with YiYi JeYi policy, the Qing dynasty proceeded on enforcing their national homogeneity by a policy of intermarriage with Mongolia .  The Qing dynasty called Mongolia “the country of brother” (or brother's country) and showed off mutual union through hunting competitions. This shows that the Qing dynasty were not rooted on Chinese but  대쥬신DaeJuShin, who were nomadic tribes in Northern East, west of Altai.



Original Source:  김운회의 '대쥬신을 찾아서' by 김운회 (Kim Woon Hoe, a historian and a professor at Dong-yang University)

Monday, 17 March 2014

김대중, 그는 金大中인가? 尹大中인가? 諸葛(제갈)大中인가?


[손충무 칼럼] 김대중 묘비에 새겨진 출생의 거짓말ㅡ그 진상을 처음 밝힌다!.
[김대중x-파일] 전라도 검찰은 진짜 호적등본 찾기 위해 칼럼자의 사무실과 집을 3

일간 뒤졌다.  

지난 8월 18일 세상을 하직, 8월 23일 현충원에 묻힌 김대중씨의 죽음이 2개월도 못되어 국민들 머리 속에서 잊혀져 가고 있다.

그런데 10월 6일 오후 묘비 제막식 때문에 또 한번 세상을 소란스럽게 만들고 있다. 그 바람에 지금까지 파묻혀 있던 김대중인가? 윤대중인가? 제갈대중인가? 하는 치욕스러운 비밀까지 살아나게 했다.

김대중은 살아 생전에도 하루도 편안할 날이 없을 정도로 한국 사회를 소란스럽게 만들고, 영.호남을 분열시키고, 호남사람들을 거짓말쟁이로 만들고, 서로 믿지 못하는 불신사회로 만든 장본인이었다.

그런데 죽어서도 사회를 소란스럽게 만들고 현충원 국립묘지를 어지럽게 만들고 있어 그를 비판하는 국민들의 시선이 일그러진다.

살아 있을 때 나라를 그렇게 혼란스럽게 만든 장본인인데 눈을 감고 땅 속에 들어간 후에는 좀 조용해지고 편안해 지기를 바라는 사람들이 많다. 노무현의 모습을 보라. 조용하지 않는가? 그런 면에서 노무현이 김대중 보다 한 수 높다.

물론 시끄럽고 어지러워야 과연 김대중 다운 것인지는 모르겠지만 땅 속에 묻힌 이후에도 김대중으로 인해 한국 사회가 소란스럽기는 마찬가지다.

지난 6일 묘비 제막식을 하는 이날 김대중 묘역 주변에는 약 200 여명의 추종자들이 모였는데 그 시각 현충원 국립묘지 입구에서도 200 여명의 비판자들이 모여 ‘김대중 국장과 현충원 안장 취소’를 요구하는 시위를 벌이고 있었다.

지난 8월 23일 국립묘지에 안장될 그 시간부터 거의 1주일에 한번씩 애국 시민단체들이 현충원 앞에서 “김대중 국장 취소, 현충원 안장 취소” 를 요구해 왔으며 시위를 하다가 때로는 경찰에 체포 당해 고통을 받기도 했다.

경찰의 과잉 탄압에도 ‘김대중 국장취소, 현충원 안장취소 하라’는 시위는 계속되고 있다. 아마 김대중의 묘를 파 낼 때까지 상당 기간 이어질 것으로 보인다.

추종자들과 전라도 사람들, 친북 左派들은 하늘 같이 받들어 모시는 김대중을 전라도를 제외한 절대 다수의 국민들은 왜 그렇게 싫어하고 외면하고 있을까?

▲ 보수단체 회원과 시민들이 현충원 정문에서 ‘DJ 묘비 제막식 우상화 규탄’을 위한 기자회견을 열었다.
그 대답은 간단하다. 묘비가 제막되는 그 시간 현충원 앞에서는 “김대중은 진짜 보다 거짓이 더 우상화 되어있는 인물”이라는 피켓이 시선을 끌었다.

그것은 사실이다. 김대중은 그 인간에 대한 진실 보다는 거짓과, 가짜, 짝통이 너무 과대포장 되어 우상화 되고 있는 부분이 많이 있다.

김대중 광신도들이 ‘김대중 종교’의 교주처럼 떠 받드는 꼴을 만들어 냈기 때문이다. “백제 계백 장군 이후에 태어난 영웅” 이라고 까지 하지 않던가?

6일 제막된 김대중의 묘비에 새겨진 그의 일대기를 소개한 내용만 보아도 얼마나 거짓 투성이로 만들어져 있는지? DJ가 걸어온 길을 아는 사람들은 쓴웃음을 지을 수 밖에 없다.

거짓말이 저 정도면ㅡ묘비 문을 지은 사람도 제2의 김대중이를 닮아가고 있는 것인지도 자신은 모르고 있을지 모른다.

김대중의 거짓말 가운데 ‘기네스북에’ 오를 거짓말은 “나는 어머니 뱃속에서 나온 후 약속은 안 지킨 일은 있어도 한번도 거짓말을 해본 적은 없다”고 한 말이다.

아마 상당한 세월이 흘러도 이런 거짓말을 하는 사람은 나오지 않을 것이다. 그 정도의 거짓말을 조크 정도로 생각하는 인물이기 때문에 그의 묘비에도 어처구니 없는 거짓투성이가 가득히 새겨져 있다.

이제 김대중의 묘비에 새겨져 있는 거짓말과 진짜는 어떤 것이었나를 한번 살펴보자.

ㅡ대한민국 제15대 대통령 후광 (後廣) 김대중 선생은 본관이 金海 이시다. 아버지는 김운식 공이고 어머니는 장수금 여사이며 1924년 1월6일 전라남도 신안군 하의도 에서 태어나셨다ㅡ로 되어 있다.

그러나 이는 멀쩡한 거짓말이다. 김대중은 자신을 만들어준 진짜 생물학적인 아버지가 누구인지 모르는 私生兒(사생아)이다. 지금 같으면 DNA 검사를 해보면 간단 하게 알 수 있는 일이지만…

아버지로 되어 있는 김운식은 김대중이 7살 때 자신의 호적에 첩의 아들로 이미 7년 전에 태어난 庶子로 올려 주어 학교를 다니도록 만들어 주고 먼 훗날 정치인으로 변신한 김대중의 호소로 본부인과 이혼하고 4일 후 김대중의 어머니와 바로 결혼 정식, 정부인으로 올려 김대중을 嫡子로 만들어 주었을 뿐이다.

김대중의 어머니 장노도(張齒島-후에 장수금으로 개명)씨는 18살 때인 1911년 같은 옆 섬 마을에 사는 제갈성조(諸葛成祚) 라는 사람에게 시집을 가서 딸 2명을 낳았다.(1990년 9월 29일 전라남도 신안군 하의면장 김광홍 발행 호적초본)

1920년 12월 제갈성조가 사망하자 제갈성조의 형인 제갈성복(諸葛成福)이 과부가 된 젊은 제수씨를 위로 해주기 위해 자주 동생 집을 방문하다가 비밀리에 육체관계를 가졌으며 아이를 임신하게 만들었다는 것이 여러 증언과 기록에서 나온다.

인구 1천 여명 정도의 좁은 섬 마을에 젊은 과부의 배가 불러오자 소문이 날 수 밖에 없었다. 그래서 제갈성복은 장노도 여인이 출생한 건너편 섬인 뻐리섬으로 이사를 보내면서 친구인 윤창언(尹昌彦) 에게 중매를 서는 것처럼 하여 동거를 시켰다. 윤창언은 본래 농악을 하는 사람이었으며 부인과 사별한 후였다.

동거를 한지 얼마 안되어 출생한 것이 사내아이였다. 그의 이름을 윤대만(尹大萬-또는 윤성만)이라고 불렀다. 그가 훗날 김대중이로 변한다. 윤대만 이가 태어날 때 김대중의 이모가 되는 장도산이 조산원 역할을 했다고 한다.(윤창언씨의 조카 윤일만 경찰관 증언, 공화당 조사 팀 조사 기록)

그 2년 후 장노도는 다시 사내아이를 출생했다. 그는 윤창언과 사이에 정상적으로 태어난 아이였다. 그는 윤대의(尹大義) 라고 불렀다고 한다.

몇 년 후 윤창언도 사망했다. 김대중의 어머니 장노도는 졸지에 딸 2명 아들 2명을 길러야 하는 청상과부가 되었다. 그녀가 어려울 때 김대중의 생물학적 아버지이자 한때 동거했던 시숙 제갈성복이 돈을 내어 뻐리섬 선창가에 주막집을 차려 주었다.

그 주막집에 큰 섬을 돌면서 발동선을 이용 방물장사(생활용품 장사)를 하러 자주 섬에 오던 김운식(金云植) 씨와 동거를 하다가 윤대만이 7살이 되어 초등학교를 가기 위해 호적이 필요했다.

당시 뻐리섬에는 초등학교가 없었고 서당만 있었다. 초등학교를 가기 위해서는 본 섬인 큰 섬으로 가던지 목포로 가야만 했다. 장노도는 뻐리섬의 재산을 정리, 목포로 옮겨 가서 여관을 경영하면서 김운식의 호적에 첩으로 올라간다.

당시 호적에는 본부인 외에 제1첩 –제2첩을 호적에 등재했으며 첩하고 사이에 출생한 자녀들은 서자(庶子-첩이나 외부에서 외도를 하여 얻은 자식)로 올렸다.

1924년(단기 4257년) 7월 7일 윤대만이 김대중(金大仲) 으로 이름이 바뀌어 김운식의 서자(庶子)로 등재되었다.(1988년 7월 18일 하의면장 장명우 발행 호적등본)

당시 김운식에는 본부인 김순례(金順禮)가 있었으며 그사이에 아들 대봉, 딸 매월, 안례, 용례 등 1남 3녀가 있었다.

목포 北국민학교(초등학교)와 목포상고를 거쳐 6,25 전쟁 후 부산 피난 건국대학교 야간부 2학년을 다니다가 목포에서 1954년 국회의원에 출마했으나 낙선했다.

▲ 김대중이 대통령에 당선된 바로 다음날 전과 7범의 민원비서실장 오길록을 검찰에 보내 칼럼자를 비롯 함윤식, 손창식, 이도형 등 언론인 등 14명을 형사 처벌하라는 고소를 했다. 사진은 지난 2002년 '한길소식' 손창식 편집인이 칼럼자에게 보낸 편지

목포의 나이든 유권자들은 김대중의 출신 성분을 알고 있었기 때문에 표가 나오지 않았다. 목포에서는 자신의 출생비밀 때문에 어렵다는 사실을 알게 된 김대중은 1959년 6월 5일 강원도 인제 지구에서 출마하면서 다음해인 1960년 6월 1일(단기 4293년) 호적을 정리했다.

계부 김운식은 6월 1일 본부인 김순례와 협의이혼을 하고 6월 5일 첩으로 있던 장노도와 정식 혼인신고를 하여 정부인이 됐다. 그와 함께 서자 김대중은 적자(嫡子) 아들로 승격한다.(1990년 9월 15일 신안군 하의면 면장 김광홍 발행 호적등본)

사람들은 김대중의 그런 출생비밀 사실을 모르고 세월은 흘러갔다. 그러다가 1971년 그가 야당의 대통령 후보자로 탄생하자 당시 공화당 의장이었던 김종필의 사무실에 신안군 하의면과 목포 등지에서 김대중의 출신 성분과 공산당 관련 사실을 알리는 투서 형식의 편지가 수십 통이 들어왔다.

그래서 김종필 의장은 비밀리에 김대중의 정체를 알기 위한 신상 조사반을 만들었다. 이 조사반에 경찰, 중앙정보부, 군 특무대 출신 요원들 5명이 차출됐으며 팀장에는 헌병장교 출신 수사관 하영조(河永祚)가 임명되었다.

그런데 이들 5명 가운데 김대중과 5살 까지 함께 살던 의붓 아버지 윤창언의 조카 윤일만(尹一萬)이 포함되어 있었다. 윤일만은 당시 치안국 특정과에 근무하던 경찰 수사 관이었다.

따라서 장노도 여인이 임신을 한 후 자신의 작은 아버지뻘이 되는 윤창언씨 집으로 재가를 온 사실을 알고 있었으며 장노도 여인이 김운식의 첩으로 가서 김대중의 이름을 갖게 된 사실을 집안 사람들의 이야기를 통해서 모두 알고 있었다.

김대중 신원 조사반은 40일간 신안군 하의도, 뻐치섬, 목포 등지로 다니며 조사한 기록을 김종필에게 넘겼으며 김정필이 그 보고서를 박정희 대통령에게 보고했다.

박정희는 그 보고서를 읽은 후 공식 발표는 하지 못하도록 지시했으나 공화당은 은밀하게 소문을 흘렸다. 박정희가 당선되고 한참 세월이 흐른 후 1979년 10.26 사건이 발생하면서 유신정권의 망령이 막을 내렸다.

1980년 5월 서울의 봄은 매우 떠들썩하고 혼란스러웠다. 그런 와중에 5월 8일 김해 김씨의 春享大祭 제사가 열렸고 이 자리에 김대중이 참석했다.

그런데 이 행사장 여러 곳에서 “윤대중은 물러가라” “제갈대중은 사라져라” 하는 플래카드가 나부껴 사람들의 시선을 끌었다. 그런 사실이 가십(gossip) 으로 언론에 보도되자 전두환 보안사령관은 기자들에게 “김대중씨는 대통령에 출마하는 것 보다는 자신의 姓氏를 먼저 찾도록 하라”고 말했다.

전두환이 정보부에 보관되어 있던 김대중의 파일을 보았던 것이다. 그때 서울에 머물던 일본 산케이신문(山徑)의 시바다 미노루(紫田憓) 논설위원과 칼럼자는 통역 김영희를 데리고 신안군과 목포 등지를 돌며 취재했다.

시바마 미노루는 도쿄로 돌아가 ‘김대중의 좌절’이라는 글을 5월15일부터 6개월간 산케이신문에 연재 보도한 후 책을 발행했다. 그는 기사를 통해 섬에서 만난 노인들의 이야기를 통해 취재한 김대중의 출생 비밀을 폭로했다.

그 책은 일본에서 출판되었기 때문에 한국 국내에는 극소수 사람들만 아는 가운데 널리 알려지지는 않았다. 그러다가 1986년 공화당 중앙위원을 지낸 이한두(李澣斗)씨가 ‘유신공화국’이라는 책을 발간하면서 문제의 김종필의 지시에 의한 하영조 조사 보고서를 전문 그대로 게재했다.

그 내용에 추가 첨부를 하여 1997년 10월 한길소식(발행인 함윤식, 편집인 손창식) 제2호에 '김대중 출생 및 가계의 비밀을 밝힌다'고 몇 페이지에 걸쳐 보도했다.

이 기사를 칼럼자가 발행하는 인사이더월드에 전재했다. 사실 당시 칼럼자는 하영조 보고서를 가지고 있었다. 그래도 사용하지는 않았다.

김대중은 1997년 12월 19일 당선됐으며 다음날 아침 당선 제1성으로 “정치보복은 절대로 하지 않겠다”고 말했다. 그리고는 다음날 전과 7범의 민원비서실장 오길록을 검찰에 보내 손충무, 함윤식, 손창식, 이도형 등 언론인, 출판인, 소설가 등 14명을 형사처벌하라는 고소를 했다.

그리고는 검찰총장에게 야당 국회의원 5명을 보내 자신이 고소한 그들 14명을 해외 출국금지, 긴급구속 하도록 압력을 행사했다. 함윤식씨가 1차로 구속되고 칼럼자가 몇 개월 후에 2차로 구속되었다.

한편 손창식씨는 불구속 기소가 됐다. 칼럼자는 징역 2년, 함윤식은 징역 1년 6개월, 이도형은 집행유예 2년, 손창식 집행유예 2년이 선고됐다. 검찰 수사관들은 칼럼자의 집과 사무실을 3일 동안 뒤졌다.

그러나 이미 칼럼자는 김대중에 관련된 주요 자료는 다른 곳으로 모두 빼돌렸으며 미국과 일본에 한 카피씩 갖다 두었다. 칼럼을 쓰는 이 시간 처음으로 김대중이 제갈성복의 후손임을 밝히는 호적등본, 김운식의 서자로 입적한 호적등본, 서자에서 적자로 둔갑하는 호적등본을 공개하는 것이다.

김대중이 당선된 후 정보부에 있던 파일, 보안사령부에 있던 파일은 모두 흔적없이 사라져 버렸으며 신안군 하의면과 목포지방 법원에 보관되어 있어야 할 제갈성조, 김운식의 호적이 모두 개정되었거나 멸실로 사라져 새로 작성했다는 것만 남아있기 때문이다.

이제 독자들은 처음으로 김대중의 어머니 장노도씨가 제갈성조 집안으로 시집을 간 사실을 확인하게 된 것이다. 아마 칼럼자가 이런 귀중한 자료를 갖고 있는 사실을 김대중 가족들과 추종세력들은 생각지 못하고 묘비를 거짓말로 만든 것인지도 모르겠다.

▲ 김대중의 계부 김운식씨의 호적등본(본사 최초공개)- 한 가운데 본부인 김순례와 이혼하고 4일 후에 장노도 여인과 재혼 신고한 것으로 표기돼 있다.

▲ 김대중의 어머니 장노도씨가 제갈성조씨의 부인으로 기록된 호적등본(본사 최초공개)


▲ 김대중의 호적등본(본사 최초공개)- 오른쪽 두번째 줄을 보면 김운식씨의 서자로 입양신고가 되어 있다.

ㅁ 손충무 –국제저널리스트. –편집인 겸 발행인

Saturday, 15 March 2014

How the Media Hush Up the Grave Crimes Committed by the Chinese in Korea and...

Why The Leftwing Camps Support the Chinese by Enacting Laws …  Blind to the Rapid Increase of Crimes

Source:  (By Jeon Geong-woong, New Daily, 7th April 2012)

비명소리’ 듣고 있던 경찰보다 더 큰 문제는 ‘제도’

‘수원 강간토막 살인사건’ 계속 생길 것

좌파 정권 들어선 뒤 외국인 우대 정책 고수…범죄에도 ‘관대’
전국 수백 곳 ‘지원센터’가 불법체류자, 범죄자 실질적으로 도와

There was a murder in a residential area close to ‘Jidong Primary School in the city of Suwon at about 11 pm on the first day of the month, in which a Chinese, after picking up a quarrel with a passing woman in her twenties, dragged her off the street and raped her before murdering.

The Chinese was caught by the police in the act of deserting the mutilated dead body of the victim.  The criminal’s name was OH Won Chun (42).

Part of the media called the arrested Chinese as an ‘ethnic Korean’, ‘compatriot in China’, describing him as if he were not a Chinese. A few days later, part of the media exposed the slow dealing by the police with the crime report and their attempt to cover it up. The media’s report appeared to say that all the problems had been with the police. The media appeared to protect the criminal by calling OH a psychopath.

수원 토막살인사건의 피의자 오 씨가 현장검증을 하고 있다.[사진:수원 중부서]
▲ 수원 토막살인사건의 피의자 오 씨가 현장검증을 하고 있다.[사진:수원 중부서]

<Caption:  Oh Won-chun and inspection of the scene.>

Obviously there is a problem with the police. We might rather say it is serious. But what is most serious is that all are silent about it, strange to say, in spite of so many felonious crimes of violence by the Chinese people.

Do you know of the ‘Hammer-Robbery Case of Wongok-dong Convenience Shop’?

Wongok-dong area is known as a free land for the illegal migrants. The criminal case of ‘Jodusun’ took place in the neighborhood of this village. 10 years ago, Wongok-dong used to be a simple and modest village for the laborers of the industrial complex. However, we do not know from when, but it is not long before this village was gradually occupied by the foreigners, mostly illegal entrants from China. In particular, the Chinese were frequently seen to start gang fights wielding dangerous weapons. This village since has been a crime-ridden district where it is dangerous to walk around at night.

A robbery took place at a convenience shop in Wongok-dong Danwon-gu Ansan city Gyeonggi-do at 1 : 47 in the morning of small hours on the 4th off the source of electricity of the shop and demanded money from Ms Kim (21), a shop attendant
threatening with a hammer.

As Ms Kim resisted saying she would report to the police, the man struck her on the face with the hammer twice. The culprit grabbed her tresses of hair and hit her head with the hammer several times.

As a result of this violence by the culprit, Ms Kim had her eyeball of left eye smashed and lost its eyesight permanently. Because of the fractures of her face and the skull, she suffered so heavy an injury that the half of her face was so much changed to the extent that her original aspect was unrecognizable.

Ms Kim, nevertheless, managed to report to the police. After examining the CCTV of the shop, the police could get the descriptions of the offender and started a thorough search around the area.

In consequence of intensified check-up and search, the police was able to arrest the offender at a crossroad in front of the Hanhwa Apartment of Wongok-dong Danwon-gu Ansan city at about 8 o’clock am on 4th day after the lapse of 6 hours from the violence.

The offender was proved to be Mr. Hyun, X, a Korean ethnic Chinese (30 year-old, male, being convicted once for gambling). According to the police, Hyun was employed by a factory located in Nonsan and was known to commit robbery three or four times a month when he came up to Ansan city taking advantage of his holidays. The motive was to pay off his gambling debt of about 20 million won.

The police concluded that the method of using a hammer employed in the three robberies, which took away about 1,5 million won in all, committed at convenience shops and cosmetic shops around Wongok-dong between 23. 07. 2010 to 04. 09. 2010 was the same as that of Hyun’s. However, Hyun flatly denied all the other offences.

According to Ansan Danwon Police Station, which took charge of the investigation of the case, Hyun showed no signs of repentance at all following his arrest. He even denied the fact that he had assaulted Ms Kim until the police put forth the proofs such as CCTV materials and the weapon used. Hyun admitted his crime, but replied calmly saying, “I tried to kill her because she would report to the police.”

안산 편의점 강도사건 당시의 흉기. 범인인 조선족 중국인은 뉘우치는 기색도 없었다고 한다.
▲ 안산 편의점 강도사건 당시의 흉기. 범인인 조선족 중국인은 뉘우치는 기색도 없었다고 한다

<Caption:  The weapon used at the time of the robbery at the Ansan convenience shop. The offender, who was a Korean ethnic Chinese, did not show any signs of repentance.>

One of the public prosecutors of Ansan branch of Suwon District Prosecution Office, who dealt with this case, promised to “do a thorough investigation as the case was an atrocious crime against a young woman student working part time in needy circumstances”. But the culprit had no will, or ability to make a compensation. We have had no news since then.

A Chinese, who was convicted of murder of his lover by mutilation, complained of the harshness of his life imprisonment sentence…

A mutilated body was found in the toilet for the disabled at the Ansan station of the 4th at about 4 : 30 pm on the 24th was contained in a travelling bag. The corpse was only the trunk and two arms. The next day the police obtained information of the suspect’s face and made public arrangements for arrest.

The police arrested the suspect named Mr Son X (41), who was a Korean ethnic Chinese, at the Geumjeong station of the 4th tracked him down.

It is reported that Son happened to meet the victim, Ms Jeong X and became her lover while he was working in Busan. On the very day, Son visited Ms Jeong, but found some evidence supporting her affairs with another man. Son struck her head with a blunt weapon and killed her by strangling.

After having cut off her neck, limbs and wrists, Son buried the rubbish bin containing her head and both hands in a neighboring mountain. He was about to abandon somewhere in Seoul the travelling bag containing the trunk and two arms.

Son, when caught, showed no signs of regret. On receiving a life sentence from the court, he protested against it and appealed to the High Court. In February 2008, the High Court confirmed the original ruling of life sentence on the ground that “the nature of the crime is most brutal and he has given the victim’s family hard and incurable sufferings.

Do you think that these things only happen in Ansan or Suwon of Gyeonggi Province? It is wide of the mark. This is what is now happening frequently at various industrial complexes all over the country.

2007년 1월 안산역 토막살인사건 당시 공개수배 전단. 손 씨는 애인인 정 씨를 토막살해한 뒤 시신을 유기하려다 도망쳤다.
▲ 2007년 1월 안산역 토막살인사건 당시 공개

[Caption: The handbills of public search of the suspect at the time of the mutilation murder case at Ansan station in Janurary 2007. Son escaped while he tried to abandon the body after having killed Ms Jeong by mutilation.]

On the 4th January 2009, two Chinese illegal immigrants were found killed stabbed with fatal weapons by four unidentified Chinese men in Jihwa village close to Gilcheon Industrial Complex, Gilcheon-ri Sangbuk-myon Ulju-gun Ulsan. One person was killed and the other person sustained a serious wound and was admitted to a hospital.

The police report shows that while going home, the two Chinese illegal immigrants came across four Chinese men in the street, who intimidated them by demanding money. As the two handed over 30,000 won under the threat, they wielded their weapons.

On the other hand, the village residents on hearing the news responded by saying that they are afraid of going out during the day because of frequent gang fights among the drunken foreign workers. The villagers hinted that the Chinese illegal immigrants might have been involved in other cases of crimes.

The majority of the foreigners who staged group fighting in the village are said to be those illegal immigrants from China or South-western Asia.

Variety of crimes committed by the Chinese illegal migrants, including hit-and-run after injuring persons and acts of organized violence

The local press, or self-styled human rights groups or self-styled religious support organizations for foreigners, which are in favor of the Chinese, may respond to this kind of report by insisting that such cases are extreme and extremely rare. Can it be so?

On the 4th January 2010, a Chinese couple were caught by the police on a charge of murder. Nowon police station of Seoul applied for a warrant of arrest against Ms An X (41, female), a Korean ethnic Chinese and her former husband, Mr Kim X (44) for murdering her Korean husband. The two were found to have conspired to kill him after having taken out 10 insurances on his life.

According to the police, Ms An murdered her Korean husband, Mr Park X (42) at her own house in Sanggye-dong Nowon-gu at about 11 : 40 pm on the 31st husband, Mr Kim X. After coming to Korea, Ms An started to cohabit with Mr Park and made him
insured on his life for ten times in order to take out the insured amount of 360 million won. For this purpose, Ms An lodged her marriage to Mr Park with the Family Register Office in March 2009.

After having murdered Mr Park, this couple tried to cover up their crime by reporting Mr Park’s disappearance from home. However, they were arrested at Incheon International Airport as they were about to fly to China.

Another story of ‘fake Chinese overseas students‘ is also astounding. On the 27th
Gumi police station of Gyeongbuk province arrested a hit-and-run away motorist who had caused 9 casualties killed or injured. The offender was a Chinese illegal migrant.

Mr A (25), the offender, caused quintuple collisions while trying to wedge his car improperly into between other cars. This accident killed 2 people and injured 7. But Mr A ran away immediately from the scene after abandoning his car in the vicinity.

Mr A’s car turned out a cannon car. The police investigation revealed that A came to Korea a few years ago as an overseas student enrolled with a university in Gumi city, but became an illegal entrant because he worked to earn money instead of studying.

안산역 토막살인사건의 범인 손 씨. 그는 법원의 판결이 가혹하다며 대법원 상고까지 했다 '무기징역' 확정판결을 받았다.
▲ 안산역 토막살인사건의 범인 손 씨. 그는 법원의 판결이 가혹하다며 대법원 상고까지 했다 '무기징역' 확정판결을 받았다.

<Caption:  Mr Son, the culprit of Ansan station murder … he appealed to the High Court by insisting the original ruling was too harsh. But his original life sentence was confirmed.>

There is another Chinese bizarre deed. Last 26th of Seoul Police Administrative Office arrested a Korean ethnic Chinese named L (30), who sneaked into Korea and led a life of organized violence after having committed a murder in China.

According to the police, Mr L was involved in a gang fight at a massage parlor in Sian city of Sansi Province China in June 2003 and hit the other party with a beer bottle to death. Reportedly, L came to Korea in May 2006 to escape the tracking by the Chinese police. He had his mother staying in Korea, who had become a naturalized Korean after re-marrying a Korean 15 years before.

On arriving at the airport in Korea, L presented a fake passport he had received from a Chinese broker. Having learnt by heart all the personal information of the passport including the purpose of entry, L easily passed through the airport entry checking of visa. Once in Korea, he set about ‘identity laundry’ at once.

In September 2007, L lodged with the Ministry of Justice all the documents necessary for naturalization such as a faked genetic analysis appraisal, references, an application form for naturalization, Chinese resident ID card and eventually became a Korean citizen.

Mr L, who became a Korean through fabricated documents, started a ‘life of organized gangsters’.

Under the cloak of wholesale liquor business, L ,in fact, intervened in the affairs of rights and interests of construction fields and extorted money using violence together with about 20 Chinese fellows.

In his personal life, L once assaulted the motorist with a baseball bat who had bumped into his car. Since the naturalization, he was known to have 6 criminal records.

A policeman, who arrested Mr L, disclosed his plan to extend the investigation on the basis of information that similar Chinese criminals wanted by the police were living in Korea as fugitives.

How was it possible that such things really happened? It was because the regimes seized by so called ‘pro-human rights and the progressive groups had introduced a favorable treatment policy to foreigners for last 15 years.

The Left-Wing Camps Support the Chinese by Enacting Laws … Blind to the Rapid Increase of Crimes

The legal base of the favorable treatment to Korean ethnic Chinese was ‘the law on legal positions of the overseas compatriots and their entry into and departure from Korea’ which was enacted and published on the 3rd  December 1999. This law has been revised ten times so far.

중국인들은 특별법과 각종 제도를 악용해 국내로 들어와 불법체류를 한다. 유학생들은 대부분 학교에 출석하지 않고 돈벌이에 나선다. 대학들이 중국인 유학생을 받는 이유는 정부 지원금 때문이라고 한다.[사진: K-TV 보도화면 캡쳐]
▲ 중국인들은 특별법과 각종 제도를 악용해 국내로 들어와 불법체류를 한다. 유학생들은 대부분 학교에 출석하지 않고 돈벌이에 나선다. 대학들이 중국인 유학생을 받는 이유는 정부 지원금 때문이라고 한다.[사진: K-TV 보도화면 캡쳐]

<Caption:  The Chinese take advantage of the special treatment laws and various systems to come and stay illegally in Korea. Most of the Chinese overseas students do not attend school, but go out to earn money. The reason why local universities accept the Chinese overseas students is the government’s grants. K-TV picture>

According to this law, the descendants of ‘Koryeo’ residing in Russia and Central Asia and those of ethnic Koreans of Chinese nationality are judged as overseas compatriots and they can stay in Korea for 3 years without particular procedures of reporting. Those who have completed the resident report procedures can get the benefits of national health scheme after 3 months of stay.

Originally, this law was established to protect the descendants of the fighters in exile for national independence and of those who had left the country for survival under the Japanese rule. But now it has become a law for all Korean ethnic Chinese.

The statistics of the Immigration Bureau of the Ministry of Justice show that the number of 223,000 illegal entrants in Korea in 2007 was reduced to 200,000 in 2008 and to 178,000 in 2009 and again to 168,000 in 2010. However, the portion of the Chinese was 76,566 (including ethnic Koreans 23,159), which shows not much decrease.

The background behind the daring acts of the Chinese illegal migrants can be attributed to the various favorable support policies of the left wing regime and the sympathetic reports by part of media.

The left-wing regime started to make variety of support systems for the Korean ‘ethnic Chinese’

The typical one is ‘the support center for the foreigners’. The support center for the foreigners’, which began in the early part of 2000, has changed its name now to ‘support centre for migrant workers’ or ‘multi-cultural support center. It is known that these bodies obtain a subsidy of hundreds of million won annually from the budget of the government.

It is questionable whether it is necessary to give support to the foreigners who have come of their own accord to Korea to earn money, but the left-wing regime has created so many support centers, letting ‘self-styled human rights groups’ and ‘religious bodies’ take the initiatives. But according to the proprietors of small and medium sized enterprises and Korean workers, this center is not a simple place to help people with living, but manages to draw money from small and medium sized businesses on behalf of them.

노무현 정권 당시 안산 원곡동 '이주노동자 지원센터'에서 '불법체류자 단속' 중단을 요구하는 불법체류자들. 좌파 진영은 이들과 중국인을 감싸는데 급급하다.
▲ 노무현 정권 당시 안산 원곡동 '이주노동자 지원센터'에서 '불법체류자 단속' 중단을 요구하는 불법체류자들. 좌파 진영은 이들과 중국인을 감싸는데 급급하다.

<Caption:  The illegal migrants demanding a suspension of cracking down illegal migrants at the support center for the migrant workers located in Wongok-dong Ansan city during the NOH Mu-hyun regime…. The left wing regime is too eager to protect these illegal migrants and Chinese.>

 In addition to this, the 민주노동조합 Minno Trade Union, forming the core of the Combined Progressive Party, has helped the illegal migrants form their own trade union in Korea since NOH’s regime. The Minno Trade Union has given the illegal migrants a strange name of ‘migrant workers’ and made assertions that cracking down the illegal migrants should be an infringement on human rights. It is known that the Minno and other left wing groups contributed a great help when ‘the radio station for the migrant
workers’, created during the NOH’s regime, received assistance such as vehicles and office expenses from the government.

Moreover, the left wing camps demanded the cancellation of the system of fingerprints for the foreigners entering Korea. In January 2004, then Justice Minister, Ms KANG Geum Sil, abolished the regime of fingerprints. At this time, the key figures of NOH’s regime made ‘guidelines for human rights’ and ‘human rights committees’ for the judiciary authorities so as to make it impossible for the court to execute judiciary rulings randomly to the foreigners even though they committed heinous crimes.

MB LEE’s government later revived the system of fingerprints for the foreigners, but the measures have been not so effective, now that there are hundreds of support centers and left wing groups in place and more than 100,000 illegal migrants living in Korea.

One-sided Love for China Cultivates the Culture for the Suwon Mutilation Murder

The left wing camps and several media may cross-question this problem by saying, “How could this lead to foreigners’ crimes, as this is the policy needed for the multi-cultural era?”

On the 9th October 2009, at the Legislation and Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly, Mr JU, Kwang-deok, a congressman of Hanara Party, requested counter measures of the government and judiciary authorities to the problem of increasing foreigners’ offenses, quoting the report materials prepared by the Seoul High Court for the inspection of government offices. He said that the crimes of foreigners had increased by 58.5% for four years since 2005.

According to the data Mr JU disclosed, the number of foreigners’ crimes reported to all the courts in the country was 2,300 cases in 2005, 1,939 in 2006, 3,050 in 2007, 3,929 in 2008, which shows increase by 58.5% for the last 4 years.

Particularly in case of Suwon district court, where the ‘mutilation murder by the Chinese’ was reported, the number of foreigners’ crime reports accepted in 2008 was 1,002, which accounts for 25.5% of total number of foreigners’ crimes nationwide. The next is 430 cases for Seoul Central Court, 411 for Incheon Court and 292 for Seoul Southern Court. The number of foreigners’ crimes for the metropolitan area amounts to 2,745 (69.8% of total). The report reveals that the crimes take place mostly in the areas densely populated by foreign workers and illegal migrants.

Although the fact is a reality, left wing camps and part of media close their eyes to the crimes committed by those from South western Asia and the Chinese. In particular, the key members of left wing parties such as the Unified Progressive Party and the Democratic Unity Party insist on the abolition of Korea-US Ally Treaty, but they advocate of closer relation with the Chinese instead, who are committing felonious crimes of violence in Korea.

Unfair reporting by the media is a problem. A typical example is on the murder case of a Vietnamese bride in October 2010 and that of a Korean woman CEO murdered by an Egyptian illegal migrant.

Comparing the portal sites including Google and Daum, the texts regarding the murder of the Vietnamese bride amounted to 692,000, but the texts on the murder of Korean lady CEO whose body was left in the nearby drainage were no more than 2,070.

This applies to the ‘Suwon mutilation murder’ case. The media mostly raised the issues of late and idle dealing with the case from the beginning by the police, but any media and groups did not point out the questionable special treatment policy to the Chinese and the generous attitude by the left wing groups towards the criminal acts committed by the illegal migrants.

조선족 중국인 살인청부업자 이야기를 그린 영화 '황해'의 한 장면. 수도권과 지방 일부지역에서는 이미 '현실'이다.
▲ 조선족 중국인 살인청부업자 이야기를 그린 영화 '황해'의 한 장면. 수도권과 지방 일부지역에서는 이미 '현실'이다.

<Caption:  A scene of the movie, 황해 ‘The Yellow Sea’, which describes a story of a Korean-Chinese hired assassin. This is already a reality in Metropolitan area and some other provinces.>

The low income families and ordinary people living in places densely populated by foreign workers and illegal migrants and at the agricultural and industrial complexes in Kangwon, Chungcheong, Youngnam and Honam provinces, not to speak of Wongok-dong Ansan city, Suwon city, Goyang city and Paju city lead their lives receiving no due attention from the part of media and judiciary authorities. They now give vent to their indignation towards the main stream of our society.

역사교과서 진실과 거짓

[Historians who sold their soul to the Devil]

1.   역사학계가 좌경화된 이유

2.   역사교과서 진실과거짓  

3.   좌익교과서를 선택해서 학생들을세뇌시키는 전교조들

Saturday, 8 March 2014

“How come Korean Pro-Human Rights Groups keep silent on the criminal acts committed by the CCP?

Dr David Kilgour (a former Canadian MP with an international name on the issue of human rights abuse) and  Mr David Matas (a Canadian Human Rights Lawyer) are exposing CCP’s heinous crime – organ harvesting from live fallungong practioners, Uyghurs, Tibetans, anti-CCP activists, by going around the world to tell people  of  what is happening in China.   They published 'Blood Harvest  Revised Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China' in 2007.

On November 2012, they visited Korea.  They pre-booked Press Centre and  pre-arranged meetings with Seoul Mayor - Park Won-soon - and Chair Person of Health and Welfare Committee (Oh Je-se of  MinJu Party).  Just before the seminar , however, both Park and Oh cancelled the meeting. 

Dr Kilgour's group even asked for a meeting with the Transplantation Society of Korea, but got flatly refused.

Where was Park Won-soon?  He was having a meeting with Jiang Yimou, a famous CCP propaganda film maker.

Source:  (By 전경웅 기자)

▲캐나다 아태지역 국무장관을 지낸 8선 의원 데이비드 킬고어 박사.[사진:대기원시보]

▲중국 체제선전 영화를 만드는 것으로 유명한 중국 장예모 감독(왼쪽)과 박원순 시장박 시장은 킬고어 박사와의 면담은 거절하고 장예모 감독을 만났다.
[After Dr David Kilgour left, New Daily had another interview with Mr David Matas.]

Source:  (by전경웅 기자  Jeon Gyeong-woong)

A Sharp Criticism Cast on Korea by a 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Candidate

“How come Korean Pro-Human Rights Groups keep silent on the criminal acts committed by the Chinese Communist Party ?”

Mr. Matas, a Canadian lawyer, accuses the  CCP of illegally harvesting human organs.

“A Military Hospital operated by China’s PLA is depriving innocent people of their organs.”

At the 63rd special executive directors’ meeting of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on the first last month, Mr. CHOI Seok Young, Korean ambassador to the UNHCR in Geneva, was elected as vice-chairman of the international body for one year term.

The UNHCR is an organization which helps refugees created by local strife, political oppression and racial conflicts. A Korean government official has now assumed the post of the vice-chairman of this  UN body, but we are unaware of the injustices the CCP is committing just as the Korean proverb goes, ‘등잔불 밑이 어둡다’  'Underneath the oil lampbase is always dark (meaning we often do not know what is going on right in front of us.)

On the 2nd who is appealing to the world by charging the CCO with ‘anti-human crime.

Mr David Kilgour, former state secretary of Canada, who accompanied him as a team member was known to have left Korea already due to his another schedule.

▲대만 등 해외언론들은 보시라이의 내연녀였던 아나운서 장웨이제가 임신했다는 사실이 알려지자 보시라이의 아내에게 암살당한 뒤 그 시신이 '인체의 신비전'에 쓰였다고 보도했다.

Mr Matas and his party insist that Korea should be justly furious about ‘the illegal businesses of  organ harvesting and selling organs’ which the CCP has been running for more than 10 years.

Before meeting Mr Matas, I had a chance to have a talk with some of his colleagues, who support him with the campaign. They said that the CCP has been managing this ’human traffic trade’ systematically, the typical one of which is ‘ Exhibition of  Mysteries Human Bodies’.

The ‘Exhibitionn of Mysteries of Human Bodies’ has been held in Korea up to recently since 2002.

The ‘works’, which are alleged to have been made by Dr Gunther von Hagens through a special treatment of the donated corpses, have been proved to be those of people executed by the CCP, or those of religious believers and anti-communists. .

Since then, each of many countries of the world has prevented this  Exhibition of Mysteries of  Human Bodies  from being held in its own territory. On the contrary, in Korea the Mystery Exhibition is opened to the public even in the small county district and the students are even asked to hand in their written descriptions of impressions. Though the news has been recently spread in Korea that a Chinese female announcer, who had an extramarital affair with Bo Xilai, was processed to be a model of a pregnant woman in the Exhibition after been assassinated, Korea has showed no particular responses.

This is the story delivered by the Lawyer Matas’ party.

“The CCP and its PLA insist that the corpses used in the Exhibition of Mysteries of Human Body and in the businesses of selling various internal organs are all those of the executed criminals or the donated ones they have received. However, the number of those executed in China is around one thousand annually, while the number of those  organs made available for transplant is more than ten thousand per year. If so, where on earth do the nine thousand dealings of human organ sale come from?

His party contend that the CCP and PLA  arrested without discretion Falungong practitioners, minority races such as Korean ethnics(Josenjok), Uyghurs, Tibetans  as well as the dissidents, advocates of democracy and confined them to the ‘factory of corpse’.

“As a result of contacting directly those hospitals all around China and recording their responses to our inquiry, their answer is that they can supply the needed internal organs within a week or two or three days. The time includes the time needed to test the tissue of the patient expected to receive the transplant, which means that they have at hand the resource of live organs. That is the very prison. In China, there are hospitals and prisons operated by China’s PLA. Not only the criminals, but also the Falungong practitioners and the dissidents are detained here.

They keep and manage all the bodily information of the detained persons.”

We had been talking about various matters with each other, when Mr Meitus came in. Mr Matas said that Mr Kilgour, former state secretary of Canada, was on friendly terms with him. They came together to Korea in 2007 and 2009 and accused the CCP and PLA of ‘anti-human acts of crime’.

69-year-old Lawyer Matas is a Jewish. He is a specialist in refugee-related law and was once professor of the Law School of Manitoba State University. He is the author of the book, ‘State Organ’.

He has not been known well to the Koreans, but Lawyer Matas and Mr Kilgour, former State Secretary of Canada, became joint winners of the highest human right prize in Canada in 2009. They were also nominated as joint candidates for Nobel Peace Prize in 2010.

When I asked him what it was that he could not understand in his experience during his visit to Korea, he said that it includes the one-sided cancellation of his international press conference at the Press Centre, the withdrawal of an interview with Mayor of Seoul City, the cancellation of the daily schedule with him of the chairman of Health and Welfare Committee of the National Assembly and the silence of the Korean media.

“I was going to have a press conference at the Press Centre on the actual conditions of the organ extraction in China at 11 am on the 1st before. I was dumfounded at the unilateral revocation of the booking, but went to the interview place only to find the door locked and fastened by iron chains.

Since many reporters from various media were there to cover the story, we eventually had an  outdoor interview. I think that the Red China’s Embassy might have influenced or applied pressure to the host (through Korea’s high rank authorities). The press centre of all the countries should be a stronghold to safeguard the justice and defend the freedom of the press. I think it is a shameful thing.”

본지와 인터뷰 중인 매이터스 변호사와 그 일행. 중국 공산당의 온갖 범죄에 대해 설명했다.

How it happens that his doings or activities were not reported in any sort of Korea’s media despite of his three previous visits to Korea? Mr Matas interpreted this phenomenon from the view that CCP’s influence is too strong in Korea.

“The abrupt cancellation of press conference yesterday and the makeshift roadside press interview speak themselves more clearly than anything else. The Korean leaders including the media seem to regard the relations with Red China as very important. If the media of Korea is that of a free democratic country, it should speak out about Red China’s infringement on human rights. Only by doing this, we can stop China’s ant-human crimes. Korea’s media is unconcerned and indifferent.

Strictly speaking, this attitude of Korea’s media in fact can be construed as infringing the speech freedom of Korean people.”

China’s influential power appears to be enormous all over the world. I asked him what it is like in other countries, supposing that it is the same case there. But his reply was “No, it is not the case”

“Of course, among the other countries, there are some which have a close relationship with China. However, the majority of them are indignant about it and perceive it an issue. In case of Taiwan, they are much concerned about China’s oppression of human rights and advocate strongly that they should prevent it. They want to correct it. The majority of western states denounced Red China’s infringement of human rights and its criminal acts.

On the other hand, Korea appears to be hesitant to tell the ‘truth in responding to China. There are quite a few Koreans who assert that Korea had better be reticent and should not provoke China in consideration of its long historical relationship with China.”

The other day Mr Matas party told me that Korea is not able to say what it has to say to China because of China’s role of a lever to move North Korea in case of Korea’s reunification. But they pointed out that China would side with North Korean in the end, I speculated that his action of throwing ‘돌직구 a fast stone’ directly at the crimes of CCP and its PLA would be dangerous. Mr Matas revealed that he carries out the activities at his own expenses. I asked him why he is going around the world to do what he is not directly connected with.

▲데이비드 매이터스 변호사. 자신의 사비를 털어 중국 공산당과 인민해방군의 반인류 범죄를 알리기 위해 세계를 돌고 있다.

“I am Jewish. When I came to know the truth of China’s enforced harvesting and sale of organs, I was reminded of the Holocaust  during the WWII. I thereupon started my investigation into it on a full scale.

From the beginning, I worked hard in the cause of protecting refugees and preventing the infringement of human rights. While I was involved in the activities of protecting refugees in Canada, I came to meet with some Chinese escapees from China. They became my clients, through whom I came to know that the Falungong followers had been sacrificed at the Communists’ hands to be deprived of their  organs. From 2006 on, I started to bring up the issue against the practice. It is my life-long faith to devote myself to the cause of human rights.

If anyone were to make an issue of this kind of anti-human crime in a country like China, he or she would be subject to harsh suppression. For this reason, people outside China should voice a protest against it. This is only the way to make a change. Moreover, an international body like the UN, human  rights groups and each government of countries should be united in pointing out and denouncing China’s acts of suppressing human rights. In this way the world can be changed.”

Mr Matas gave me a hint that prior to the change of China’s leadership, Bo Xilai, Wang Lijun and others had conspired a plot of treason. He also mentioned the incident, in which Wang Lijun some time before had attempted to seek political asylum in the US consulate in  Chongdu, China.

Boxilai must have escaped carrying the ‘secrets of China’s leadership to avoid an execution when the ‘plot of treason’ was discovered, which was an explanation given by Mr Matas. The secrets are said to contain secret data of China’s organ harvesting, kidnapping of civilians and trade of human body. The USA and western nations, which obtained these ‘secrets’, are reportedly preparing a ‘counter-punch’ against China’s dictatorship regime.

 충칭시 부시장 겸 공안국장 시절의 왕리쥔. 실각한 보시라이의 심복이자 '시체공장'의 책임자라고 한다.[사진 연합뉴스]

[출처] 중국 공산당 범죄에 韓인권단체, 왜 가만 있나?|작성자 hojyopo

If this assertion is true, the regime of CCP will suffer a serious blow. In case the Chinese people, who have not received proper ‘civic education’, rise up, it will possibly develop into a state of anarchy, still more an affair of bloodshed, which will certainly have an enormous influence on the situations of Korean Peninsular, in particular on the reunification of Korea. In such a case, what should Korea do? Mr Matas replied, “I am not a predictor of politics.”

“I am a human right activist and a lawyer, not a futurologist. What is important to me is not to predict the future, but to look into and cope with the serious issues which are taking place now.

Korea, of course, has a role to play. In the past Korean people have an experience of fighting for democracy leading in the front. I mean Korea has a courage to do so. Accordingly, I think Korea should join the camp of Canada, the USA, EU, Israel and others who can fight against China’s evil acts.,

When I visited other countries, I felt a welcoming air. Their response to my denunciation of China’s infringement of human rights was good. They moved on to condemn China for the violation of human rights and to erect relating laws. The government concerned set about its own investigation.

On the other hand, when I worked in Korea, I could not see such a move. But this time I feel things have changed a bit, which I consider fortunate. I hope such a movement and response will increase and get stronger.”

Mr Matas added, “It is just the beginning for Korea to extend justice standing up against the evils.”

“For example, there have been many refugees in relation with this in America, but it took 6 years to come to the present position. Recently, in the USA a congressional hearing was held on Red China’s infringement of human rights. 106 representatives of the House of America lately motioned and carried the bill for investigating into the factual truth of China’s practice of organ harvesting.

While USA president, Obama, was on a campaigning tour, it was reported that he took a petition letter written by a falungong practitioner personally, pushing aside the bodyguard.

Our activity in Korea and the response of Koreans may be just the beginning. We will work more in Korea. Koreans should courageously stand up against the CCP’s brutalities.

“Justice is to guard human nature and dignity against the evil powers.”

▲매이터스 변호사는 한국 고위층과 언론이 보여준 태도에 실망하면서도 "앞으로 조금씩 나아질 것"이라고 말했다.
Mr Matas and his party said, “We know Koreans are an important customer of China’s transplant business of organs, but we met some Koreans whose remarks we can hardly understand.”

Those Koreans we met, particularly high rank officials and politicians usually gave responses like this, when we let them know about China’s organ harvesting and trade of human body :

China is far from doing this. China and Korea have been a friendly ally for more than 2000 years.

Do you say China is a threat? No. America is a more possible threat to Korea.”

“I cannot believe you, because I didn’t see for myself what you say China did. China has achieved an extraordinary growth to be G2 country in the world. You should not slight China. It is time for Korea to consider China more important than America. Why do you address China as Red China?  We find it uneasy to use it formally.“

Mr Matas and his party responded saying, “It is understandable”.

“When we go around the world, we meet with all kinds of strange things. The CCP is strenuously pouring excessive amount of money into the circles of politics, finance, media, culture and art through its own embassy in each country to make the public opinions favorable to them.”

They speculated that the Chinese Embassy had done so in Korea. They pointed out ‘the Chinese revolt’, which took place on 28th April 2008 (Jin Joo's note:  a riot by 40,000 self-styled Chinese students in Seoul City, in which they assaulted citizens and damaged the fittings, but the media and the political circle remained as quiet as a dead mouse.)

These Chinese expatriates have on their back the CCP and its PLA, who boast of the self-styled G2 status of China and insist that even the west Pacific is now under their influence. Even though the Chinese do the slave trade of North Korean defectors, or they do illegal fishing in the Korean territorial waters, or ‘Oh Won Chun (Jin Joo's note:   The media tried to make the heinous crime committed by OWC  as trivial as possible) committed murder and made a victim a hemiplegic in the course of a robbery, Koreans do not make a fuss, just saying, “ Why, how they become important crime ?”

Our country (Korea), which is the primary sufferer of CCP’s atrocities, only shows helpless responses. In addition, the left wing camp and part of pro-China conglomerates try to silence the newspapers and other media and hundreds of thousands of the Chinese residing in Korea enter all kinds of comments and notices into the internet to make the truth covered.

On coming out after having finished the interview with Mr Matas, the idea occurring to me was “Is it still possible for Korea to stand up against China for the cause of justice just as Korea did in the past during the ‘Struggle for Democracy’.