[Catholic Priests who sold their soul to the Devil]
Source: http://www.newdaily.co.kr/news/article.html?no=180856 (by Jeon Geong-woong of New Daily)
[전경웅 칼럼] 정의구현 사제님들께 묻습니다
미국은 싫고 중국이 그렇게 좋으세요?
독재깡패 [중국]·[북괴] 편드는게 [그리스도의 뜻]?
▲ 정의구현사제단이 벌이는 [시국미사]라는 집회 모습. [사진: 연합뉴스]
<A scene of a meeting so called ‘Mass on Current Situations’ held by Catholic Priests’ Association for Justice’>
I am asking you, Catholic priests of the Association for
Justice, “ How is it that you adore China
so dearly, while hating USA ?”
Is it Christ’s will to side with the despotic ruffians, China and North
Korean puppet regime?
I have some questions to ask of you, members of the
Association, which prompts me to take up a pen to write as follows:
These are about the activities carried out so far by the
priests affiliated with the Association for Justice. I would like to list the
major activities undertaken under the name of Catholic Priests’ Association for
Justice in the past 10 years for fear that you might forget them.
▲ A demonstration in 2002 in memory of two middle school students
(Hyo-soon and Mee-soon) who was killed in an accident (car driven by the
USA soldier).
▲ An antagonistic demonstration in March 2003 against the development
of ‘Saemangeum’
▲ A declaration in November 2003 by 115 priests requesting an inquiry into the
real truth, insisting that ‘Kim Hyun-hee’, the convicted of the terrorism to KAL,
should be a fake.
▲ A meeting held in June 2004 calling for the revoke of government decision to
send army toIraq ,
taking advantage of the memory of late KIM Sun-il. A meeting
held in November 2004 calling for the complete abolition of the National Security
▲ One of violent confrontations started from February 2005 calling for the
withdrawal ofUS
army in which demonstrators resorted to violence to the
Korean soldiers at Daechuri of Pyeongtaek.
▲ A meeting in December 2006 by Association members supporting the
violent demonstrators who demanded stoppage of Korea-USA free trade
▲ A meeting held in June 2008 at the scene of the riot on the mad cow disease, in
which the priests made speeches on the theme, ‘Nation deplores the President’s
power and arrogance.’
▲ A public statement made on the grave situations in February 2009, in which
they blamed the government for the ‘Yongsan Accident’.
▲ The incident of Ssangyong Motor Co. of Pyeongtaek in Junly 2009.
▲ A demonstration opposing the construction of navy base at the village of
Gangjeong, Seogwipo cityJeju Island
in June 2011.
▲ An election campaign in support of ‘Moon Jae-in, the presidential candidate of
the Democratic Party in 2012 election season.
▲ A meeting against the construction of electric transmission towers at Milyang in
May 2013.
▲ A demonstration in 2002 in memory of two middle school students
(Hyo-soon and Mee-soon) who was killed in an accident (car driven by the
USA soldier).
▲ An antagonistic demonstration in March 2003 against the development
of ‘Saemangeum’
▲ A declaration in November 2003 by 115 priests requesting an inquiry into the
real truth, insisting that ‘Kim Hyun-hee’, the convicted of the terrorism to KAL,
should be a fake.
▲ A meeting held in June 2004 calling for the revoke of government decision to
send army to
held in November 2004 calling for the complete abolition of the National Security
▲ One of violent confrontations started from February 2005 calling for the
withdrawal of
Korean soldiers at Daechuri of Pyeongtaek.
▲ A meeting in December 2006 by Association members supporting the
violent demonstrators who demanded stoppage of Korea-USA free trade
▲ A meeting held in June 2008 at the scene of the riot on the mad cow disease, in
which the priests made speeches on the theme, ‘Nation deplores the President’s
power and arrogance.’
▲ A public statement made on the grave situations in February 2009, in which
they blamed the government for the ‘Yongsan Accident’.
▲ The incident of Ssangyong Motor Co. of Pyeongtaek in Junly 2009.
▲ A demonstration opposing the construction of navy base at the village of
Gangjeong, Seogwipo city
▲ An election campaign in support of ‘Moon Jae-in, the presidential candidate of
the Democratic Party in 2012 election season.
▲ A meeting against the construction of electric transmission towers at Milyang in
May 2013.
The list clearly shows the wrongdoings the demonstrators
have committed under the patronage of you, Association members at the time.
<This is a scene of violent demonstration in which the demonstrators wielded bamboo spears towards the police guarding the area of Daechuri of Pyeongtaek. It was a sanguinary battle. This might be a reward to your prayers for the realization of so called justice.>
<This is a scene of the violent demonstration in which
the demonstrators wielded sticks and bamboo spears towards the soldiers of the
national army dispatched for the guard of Daechuri area. This might be the
scene where so called justice is realized. Photo = YeonHap News >
<What do you think of those anti-Korea-USA Free Trade
Agreement demonstrators, setting fire holding pine torches in front of Chuncheon City Hall on 23rd >
<Please have a look at the appearance of your Association
members, staging a mass on the current situations against the construction of
electric transmission towers at Milyang in May 2013>
A priest of the Association for Justice is seen beside a
congressman of the ruling party on the rooftop of the building at the time of
Daechuri Pyeongtake Demonstration. Being in company with the riots brandishing
sticks might be an act of fulfilling your lofty justice.
▲ 평택 미군기지 이전을 반대하고 주한미군 철수를 주장하는 정의구현사제단.
<Members of Priests’ Association for Justice opposing the
transfer of US army base in
Pyeongtaek and demanding the withdrawal of the US
army stationed in Korea. >
You have seen these scenes, haven’t you?
Can you imagine what the ordinary common people, too busy
with their own living, will respond at the sight of what your members have
done? They will say, “It is an insanity of and for and by ‘the gang.’”
You may ask ‘why’. But it is because you only choose to act
against the governing rules, opposing the national security law and the public
▲ 광우병 폭동 당시 시위대가 경찰버스를 불태우고 있다. 정의구현사제단은 이들의 시위에 힘을 보태는 시국미사를 연 바 있다. [사진: 연합뉴스]
<The demonstrators are burning a police bus at the time
of the mad cow disease riot. The Priests’ Association for Justice held a mass
on the grave current situations to give support to the demonstrators. Photo: Yeonhap News>
I ask you to give an example of demonstrations in which no
‘lawlessness’, no ‘violence’, no ‘perversity’, no ‘waywardness’ have occurred
at all in the activities you, Priests’ Association members, have been involved
in so far.
Let me know it if there have been any demonstrations which
do not disregard lawful public power and the existing laws in force. Upon my
word, there has been none.
Those priests, who profess themselves to be an instrument to
convey God’s will to men, protect these lawless, violent, wayward groups in
God’s name and represent their assertions as the opinion of the public by a sly
packaging, don’t they?
▲ 정의구현사제단이 말하는 [평화시위]는 이런 건가. 2008년 광우병 폭동 당시 경찰 1개 소대를 둘러싸고 집단폭행하는 시위대. 이들 경찰 다수가 입원치료를 받았다. [사진: 조선닷컴]
<Is this an example of ‘peaceful demonstration’ called by
the Priests’ Association for Justice? The demonstrators at the time of the mad
cow disease riot in 2008, encircling and attacking a platoon of the police in a
mob violence. Many policemen were injured and treated at the hospital.>
What else would it be other than a sham religion to use
God’s name for his or her own
interests or in order to enforce their opinions on others?
It is beyond my understanding why you, ordained priests, are
doing such spurious deeds.
If your spuriousness stopped internally within Korea , I would
not use such furious words as these.
While you readily exercise a right of judgment like that of
Peter’s on USA, which has helped the Republic of Korea expand its freedom and
equality and develop its national army, which is the basis for national
security, why can’t you say even one word to the Kim’s dynasty of North Korea,
which has really cast away human rights and equality into the rubbish bin, and
to the Chinese Communist Party? Do you want me to give an example?
▲ 언론에 잘 알려지지 않았던 시기 제주해군기지 반대시위대의 평소 모습. 이게 [평화]고 [정의]인가. [사진: 해군 제공]
<A usual demonstration scene opposing the construction of
a navy base in Jeju
Island at a time not well
known to the media. Is this ‘peace’ and ‘justice’?>
All kinds of crimes committed by the Chinese in Korea .
What did ‘the priests of the Association’ do at the illegal
demonstrations in opposition to the naval base in Jeju-Do?
Isn’t the priest a member of the Association for Justice,
who was leading the anti-naval base
demonstration and throwing sewage at the police? On the other hand, why don’t they offer any opposition to the
Chinese proposal to build a gambling complex in Jeju? ‘The ‘Priests’
Association for Justice’ became a mute with honey in the mouth to the issue
when Red China proclaimed unilaterally its aerial defense recognition area in
the East China Sea on the 23rd November.
Why was that?
▲ 한중일 삼국의 방공식별구역 그래픽 [사진: 연합뉴스]
<The graphics of aerial defense recognition area of 3
nations : Korea , China and Japan >
The Chinese Communist Party had their own way by including
our territorial waters and even the ‘Ieo-Do’ in its aerial defense recognition
area and rejected our rightful demand at the Korea-China Defense Strategy
Dialogue of vice-minister level held on the 28th reported that the
Chinese Communist Party has sent an aircraft carrier, the Laoning and her
escort fleet to South China Sea for mobile exercise and they are known on
When China
built this aircraft carrier, the China ’s PLA said publicly that they
would send the carrier to the Ieo-Do. Those who maintain silent about China ’s threats
of this kind are none other than Priests’ Association for Justice and so called
the ‘bullying villains of progressive force’, aren’t they?
▲ 28일 호위함대와 함께 첫 원양훈련을 떠난 중국 항모 랴오닝 호. [사진: 연합뉴스]
<The Laoning, the aircraft carrier of China ,
departing for her first mobile exercise in the ocean along with her escort
Please reply.
Has your Association ever made a public statement of
denouncing China
up to now when the Chinese Communist government intimidates our government and
people and behaves rudely? Certainly, there has been none.
▲ 2010년 외국인 범죄자 국적별 검거현황. 이 가운데 중국은 공산당이 조직적으로 불법체류자를 타국으로 보낸다.
<The present state of affairs on the foreign convicts
arrested by nationality in 2010, in which the Chinese Communist Party is
reported to send away systematically illegal migrants overseas.>
Your Association members are priests formally ordained by
the Catholic church, aren’t they?
If so, it is normal for them to obey the Pope. Don’t you
know how the Vatican
looks on the Chinese Communist Party? What country is China ?
▲ 중국의 일상적인 인권유린을 빗댄 베이징 올림픽 포스터. 중국은 인권유린 부문에서는 금메달감이라고 비꼬았다.
< A Beijing Olympic poster
satirizing China ’s
usual human rights infringements. Ironically, China is awarded a gold medal in
the event of human rights infringement.>
A true picture of Priests’ Association for Justice has come
to light by the fact that the body cannot stand up against the human rights
infringement by the Chinese Communists or their highhandedness to the
neighboring countries, whereas it has frantically poured all criticisms for
decades on the USA ,
an ally of ours.
Is this God’s will to shield the Chinese Communist Party
which customarily has neglected neighboring countries and human rights, and to
protect the Kim’s gang of traitors hidden behind China by justifying their
provocations against us?
I have found out some materials for you, supposing that you,
priests of the Association, may have forgotten them as many years have passed since
your ordination.
Here are some materials for you.
This is the contents of excerption of the 2nd mission
of the church and item 3 on priests and from explanation item 19 to 22.
“… Unless you are a witness of life different from those of
others on the earth and a
manager, you cannot be a servant of Christ, yet you cannot
serve the people if you lead a life far apart from real life of ordinary people
and conditions of their lives.
The religious duty as a priest especially asks you not to
follow the common customs of the world, but asks you to live among people and
understand them as a good shepherd should be. It demands you to guide those
sheep not in a pen to Christ to hear His voice so that they may follow their
shepherd in the pen.
To achieve these goals, you must have virtues highly
respected in a human society as well as a good heart, truthfulness, a tough and
firm mind, a constant sense of justice and kindness, which will certainly help
Have you read these?
You have treated the Korean government which has created a
newly risen industrial country out of ashes and USA
which has been a robust supporter of Korea as the worst devil in the
human history. Instead, you have closed your mouth towards the Kim’s dynasty of
North Korea ,
the most evil regime in history and the misconducts of CCP, which massacred
hundreds of thousand people in so called Cultural Revolution. Is this conduct
of yours ‘a good heart, truthfulness, a tough and firm mind, a constant sense
of justice and kindness’ which the Vatican instructs you?
▲ 킬 고어 前캐나다 국무장관. 그는 중국 공산당의 조직적인 인권탄압과 장기적출 및 불법매매를 세계에 폭로했다.
<Dr Kilgore and Mr Matas, former state secretary of Canada and Human Rights Lawyer exposed to
the world China’s systematic suppression of human rights and illegal harvesting
and sale of internal organs.>
If you are followers of God’s will, you should criticize
harshly the Chinese Communist Party, which confined thousands of Falungong
practitioners for fear of being a threat to their dictatorial regime and harvested
their organs to smuggle out around the world and oppressed Tibet people to hide
their unlawful invasion. Don’t you think it is normal and what you should do?
You should shout to Kim’s dynasty, “Fear God’s wrath!” They
starved millions of people to death for the sake of their dictatorship and did
away with freedom of religion and values of human rights and equality and
slaughtered tens of thousands people in a concentration camp and supported
terrorists around the world, giving hand to the international crime groups and finally
made it their business to carry out acts of terrorism against the compatriots
in the South for 70 years. Don’t you think it is the voice of Christ and
I seriously ask you again with curiosity. Whose justice is the ‘Justice’ for, found in
the name of your Association?
Is it the justice for God? If so, whose god on earth is it?
If the justice advocated by the Priests’ Association for Justice is Christ’s
voice, then the Christ should not be the one 1.196 billion Catholic devotees
▲ 예수 그리스도와 악마 간의 대결을 소재로 한 팝아트. 정의구현사제단께서는 그리스도께서 어느 쪽에 섰는지 잘 보셨으면 한다.
<A pop art on the theme of confrontation of Jesus Christ
against Devil. I would like you, members of the Association, to see on whose
side Christ stands.>
Christ called himself son of man, because He attached
importance to the selfless acts and the universal values of human beings.
Did you say, “the journalist should go to the hell, who
dared to shower Catholic priests with sharp words of abuse.”?
I heard you. I want
you to please go ahead there (the hell) and
wait for me. I will follow soon.
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