Friday, 27 January 2017

The largest class action lawsuit in Korea.

JTBC 손석희, 허위사실 유포 혐의로 사상 최대의 집단소송을 당하다.

Another fabricated news report by Sohn Seok-Hee of JTBC.  

On the 26th January 2017,  Sohn was sued by the patriotic citizens straight after he broadcasted that the  citizens at the president Park supporting flag Rallies were paid by the rally organizer.  Sohn said people were paid 
50,000 won if they look clean and tidy,  150,000 won for young mums with pram.  

It will be the largest class action lawsuit in Korea.

                     Yellow Picket:  I am a full-time housewife.  How much am I worth?


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