Thursday, 26 January 2017

정규재 TV (Thejktv) interviewed President Park on the 25th January 2017

Some of the comments ......

I regret to say that Thejkjtv interview with Park Geun-hye has left room to question whether it has lived up to the standard of Journalism.
I am doubtful that Jung Kyu-je and Park Geun-hye will be able to understand English catch phrases. I intentionally write the comment in English because I attempt to help 7 millions overseas Korean people to understand the core point of the scandal. The interview "beats around the bush" and "barks up the wrong tree."
They skirt around the core at issue, that is, She is the commander in Chief. "Buck stops here" is there at the desk of the oval office of the US President.
If the President is missing for 7 hours of national emergency, she should be charged with AWOL(Absence without leave) to face court marshal. What the hell has she been up to during 7 hours of AWOL when 304 school children were being drowned on SeWol ferry on April 16, 2016. Until AWOL is cleared she will remain guilty of court marshal.

Luke Lee: So called '7 hours' is just a false allegation.  Cheong Hwa Dae has been very clear and detailed about so called '7 hours'.  Also, advocates (for constitutional court trial) for Pres. Park have provided her actual schedule on the day of tragedy to very minute detail. 
You are either deaf/blind or hopelessly biased and would not believe whatever she says.  And let me ask you this what do you think about Kim Dae-Jung's attendance to a soccer game during Yeon-Pyeong conflict?  Should he had been impeached?
Dim Sum15 hours ago (edited)
To: Luke Lee: 

You must be a typical commies influnced by agitators.  You should understand that there are certain restrictions the interviewer must follow, because this case is still in the middle of "trial".  

Please keep in mind that the prosecutors, regular and special, have not been able to come up with any substantial evidence that coule be subject to the "impeachment".

As for the ferrey accident, the record from the Blue House clearly shows that the president's whereabout by the hour on that day. Whatever you get at court is what you get at court in legal terms. The judge is going to make the decision. If you do not believe, you should present a credible proof.(Sorry about the legal terms.)  

According to the New YorkTimes, no one raised the issue of the presidential wrong doing in neither the Pearl Harbor attack nor 911 attack. President Roosvelt never went to Pearl Harbor.  Mr. Bush went to New York City next day. 

The ferry accident in Korea was simply a "ferry accident" where about 120 young high school students unfortunately got drowned out of 300. The government and a newspaper company came up with very comprehensive reports, at lease two of them. Please keep in mind that no president/prime minister got ever impeached because of a "ferry accident" in the of history of the world.                                                       

In case that you are not aware of, the prosecutors dropped this ferry accident case from the "reason" for impeachment. Therefore, the prosecutors have no evidence to date.

As a result, the Korean Parliament announced that it would revise the reason for Impeachment, meaning, legally, that the current impeachment becomes invalid, and a new impeachment has to be filed with the constitutional court after going through another vote in the Parliament.The new impeachment does not contain any "criminal charges", but only the  charges of potential violation of the Constitution, which is extremely difficult to prove.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
The chief judge at the Constitutional Court announced that this case would be wrapped up within a month from now. I doubt it very much that this is realistic, considering the fact that all the evidences must be carefully examined and   verified.

This makes me to lean towards denial the impeachment for the reason of "no justifiable reason".

You understand Korean, right? (all the fabricated Sewolho related/ Thaad related news reported by Sohn Seok-Hee, Korea's Joseph Goebbels. (how JTBC planted files into an empty Tablet PC)
Hong Jeong-Do (CEO of JTBC & Joong Ang Ilbo) said "even unverified information is worthwile to report". These people don't have sense of ethics.

박근혜 대통령께서 분명 잘 못한것도 있지만 현재 대한민국의 언론 노동 교욱 국회 검찰  사법을 이끌어가는 자 들 중에는 종북 좌파성향을 가진 사람들이 상당히 많다는 것 또한 사실입니다. 이들이 중요한 일이 있을 때마다 사실을 왜곡, 과장하여 촛불집회를 조직하여, 선량한 국민들을 선동해서 정부의 발목을 잡고, 나라를 혼란케하여 결국 자유민주주의 대한민국을 전복하려고 하는 이것이 이번 사건의 본질이고, 암세포같은 이들을 발본색원해야 만 이 나라가 존재할 수 있다는 것입니다.

1월 26일 - 정규재 칼럼; 박근혜 인터뷰 뒷이야기  (1월 26일)

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