Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Plastic Surgery Video of President Park - JTBC fabricated video source

Sohn Seok-Hee, known as Korea's Joseph Goebbels, is the very man who started the Choi Soon-Sil scandal by manufacturing the tablet PC and fabricating other stories. 

On the 18th January 2017, Kim  Gi-Su (solicitor), Media Watch (the media that doggedly investigates and exposes all the fabricated stories reported by Sohn Seok-Hee) and 1,000 citizens sued him for 모해위증죄.    

“Plastic Surgery Video of President” on Dec. 19, 2016 of JTBC is also fabricated!

The report on “7-Hour of Ms. President on the Sewel Ferry Accident Day” is also fabricated by JTBC following "Choi, Soon-sil’s Tablet PC" only a few weeks ago. 

To fabricate the video, JTBC used 2D graphics, 3D stereoscopic software .

JTBC 'Newsroom’s report: 'suspicion of actual lifting plastic surgery' of Ms. President Park during the 7-hour Golden Time was recorded at 9% high viewer ratings.  

JTBC aired on Dec.18, 2016 that Ms. president had received skin cosmetic treatment during the 7 hours , and reported that she received a skin cosmetic on Dec. 19, 2016.

In particular, JTBC aired a syringe image on a video screen and a plastic surgeon verified the procedure. However, our team found their trace of fabrication on the video screen. 

<JTBC captured screen>

Our team divided the video into 80 frames from 49th second to 51th second of the news. 

Our team and video screen experts and editors found that the video screen has abnormal phenomenon, and found that images for 2 seconds are fabricated when we divided into 60 frames, and the plastic surgeons’ interview was also fabricated by JTBC. To prove JTBC’s fabrication of the image, our team divided the image of the 2 seconds from 49th second to 50th second into 24 frames per second. 

<JTBC captured screen>

"The video precise fabrication starts from 49th second and 17th frame."

When you look at the bottom of the jaw from 49th second 18th frame and 49th second 19th frame, the operation image screen is clearly distinguished. On the screen around the president chin line, the "correction layer screen scan line" which does not exist in 49th second 18th frame, starts to appear. 

Also, it was analyzed that the face of Park returned about 3 degrees to the left side of the original image screen.

At the 49th second and 21th frames, fabrication trace "layer work” begins to appear.

<JTBC capture screen>

At 49th second 23th frame and 24th frame, the fabricated part at the tip of the jaw appears larger and clearer. Especially, the jaw line of the face is blurred, and the jaw line is not smooth.

<JTBC capture screen>

Unlike the previous screen, the layer screen for the image fabrication (the slanted line is horizontally visible) starts to be used in full at 49th second and 24th frame. 

This video screen is a state in which the fabricated image has been completed in the first place, and the skin of another person is inserted into the presidential face, but the jaw line appears very faint. (See bottom right of the screen)

<JTBC capture screen>

50th second to 5th frame are reserved screens to fabricate the next video screen, which is layer working screen that can never be seen in normal video frames.

<JTBC capture screen>

50th second 6th frame and 7th frame are preliminary work for ' needle hole insertion' of the president face. Also, unlike other screens, it is appeared that the 3D software was used to modify from 45 degrees to 80 degrees from the left. 

According to our data, JTBC has no image of the president at an angle of 80 degrees at the meeting of the senior secretary meeting in April, 2014. Especially, when you look at the above screen, the image that 'other person's skin is inserted' a the tip of the chin line is clearly shown.

<JTBC capture screen>

50th second 6th frame and 7th frame are preliminary work for ' needle hole insertion' of the president face. Also, unlike other screens, it is appeared that the 3D software was used to modify from 45 degrees to 80 degrees from the left. 

According to our data, JTBC has no image of the president at an angle of 80 degrees at the meeting of the senior secretary meeting in April, 2014. Especially, when you look at the above screen, the image that 'other person's skin is inserted' a the tip of the chin line is clearly shown.

<JTBC capture screen>

"The finished fabricated screen is used from 8th second to 50th second"

50th second 8th frame is a complete version of the operation screen aired by JTBC . 

In the completed operation image, the vein is clearly visible on the cheek and the needle hole is clearly visible in the circular shape. What is even more absurd is that the perimeter of the neck connected to Park's jaw line is seen as straight line,  the neck is heavily swollen and the jaw line is completely gone.

<JTBC capture screen>

50th sec 9th frame When you enlarge the screen, the operation image (needle hole and chin line) of the previous screen is displayed more clearly. 

50th sec 10th frame is 50th sec 11th frame It is a skirmish for image screen operation.
The strange thing is that the pores of the face of President Park are not visible around the injection needle hole. Even if we believe JTBC's broadcasting, it is a very strange video screen that the 'injection needle hole' still appears clearly after 3 days after 'Sewol ferry disaster' .

JTBC is deceiving the whole nation with a fabricated " two seconds" on December 19th. JTBC enjoyed over 9% viewer ratings for that time.  so JTBC would have earned hundreds of millions more advertisement revenue than usual.

http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=mahlerian&logNo=220820003706 (손석희조작보도)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qEmpHtpt8k (how JTBC planted files into an empty Tablet PC)